
Welcome to the Maidstone Recreation Centre. 

The Maidstone Recreation Centre is  located at 10720 County Rd. 34 in the quiet community of Maidstone, Ontario and includes a main hall, club room, pavilion, and 4 sand volleyball courts situated on approximately 4 acres of property.  The MRC Corporation is a volunteer group that hosts  summer sand volleyball leagues and a variety of  activities at the Centre.

What can you do on our website?

  • Visit our Facilities  page to view our facilities .
  • Visit our Sand Volleyball page to learn more about our summer sand volleyball leagues and access league rules and team registration forms.
  • View news & upcoming events for the MRC.
  • View our calendar to check available dates for rentals and upcoming scheduled events and activities.
  • Visit our Membership page to view members-only information via login, learn more about the history of the MRC, our volunteers and governance, and print the application form to join the MRC as a honourary member.
  • See a map of our location and contact information on our Contact page.